Baudelaire, Charles

SKU: 6020753

Prix réduitSFr.5.500,00 Prix normalSFr.8.215,00


Autograph letter signed, two pages (both sides) - addressed to the reverse of an adjoining sheet, 5,25 x 8,25 inch, 4.12.1862, in French, to Léon Escudier* (1821-1881) in Paris - concerning the journal `Paÿs`, Baudelaire`s article about `Salammbô`** and his works, , written and signed in black ink "Ch. Baudelaire", with mild browning, three horizontal letter folds, and two areas of paper loss of the adjoining sheet (due to the opening of the fold by the recipient) - in fine condition.

"Le 4 décembre 1862,
Cher Monsieur,
Vous devinez qu`après la belle réception que m`a faite M. A. Chevalier, cet illustre inconnu, je suis peu tenté de remettre les pieds au Paÿs. Si le Paÿs a envie de l`article Salammbô, il le fera demander à Michel Lévy, chez qui je le déposerai.
Quant au Peintre de la Vie moderne, si souvent reçu, et que monsieur ne veut pas imprimer, bien que l`article soit payé, je le laisserai encore quelque temps entre les mains de M. Ribau, et puis le jour ou il me sera demandé ailleurs, je l`enverrai chercher. Je vais avoir montré assez longtemps que j`avais de la patience et que j`étais un homme assez bien élevé. Montrez ma lettre à qui bon vous semblera, à le Chevalier, ou à M. D`Anchald, dont les instructions n`ont pas été obéis./ Quant à vous personnellement, merci de tout coeur pour la bienveillance que vous m`avez montrée dans cette affaire.
Je n`ai pas chez moi le Richard Wagner et Tannhäuser à Paris. Mais si je ne peux pas en trouver un exemplaire, qu`importe? J`ai pris votre nom pour un exemplaire de mes oeuvres complètes, qui infailliblement paraîtront l`année prochaine.
Bien à vous - Ch. Baudelaire - 22 rue d`Amsterdam.
Une idée: est-ce que le Paÿs parait tous les jours avec ses trois premières pages en blanc? quant aux annonces, je comprends qu`on ne les refasse pas."

"December 4, 1862,
Dear Sir,
You can guess that, after the fine reception given to me by M. Chevalier, this illustrious stranger, I am not much tempted to return to the Paÿs. If the Paÿs wants the article about Salammbô, he will ask Michel Lévy, to whom I will deposit it.
Regarding the Painter of Modern Life, so often received, and that Monsieur does not want to print, eventhough the article is paid, I will leave it for some time longer in the hands of M. Ribau, and on the day that it will be asked elsewhere, I will send it. I will have shown for a long time that I had patience and that I was a well-bred man. Show my letter to whoever seems good to you, to Le Chevalier, or to M. D`Anchald, whose instructions have not been obeyed./ As for you personally, thank you wholeheartedly for the benevolence you showed me in this matter.
I do not have the Richard Wagner and Tannhäuser*** in Paris. But if I can not find a copy, what does it matter? I took your name for a copy of my complete works, which will inevitably be published next year.
Yours sincerely - Ch. Baudelaire - 22 rue d 'Amsterdam.
An idea: does the Paÿs appear every day with its first three pages blank? as for announcements, I understand that they are not redone."

*Jacques-Victor says Leon Escudier (1821-1881) was a French journalist, critic and music publisher. He collaborated with the journal `Paÿs`, which is mentioned here, and with the newspaper of the Empire. He was also the French publisher of Giuseppe Verdi.
** Salammbô (1862) is a historical novel by Gustave Flaubert.
*** Baudelaire's essay `Richard Wagner et Tannhäuser à Paris` was highly regarded. In 1860, Baudelaire became an ardent supporter of Richard Wagner. After attending three Wagner concerts in Paris in 1860, Baudelaire wrote to the composer: "I had a feeling of pride and joy in understanding, in being possessed, in being overwhelmed, a truly sensual pleasure like that of rising in the air." Baudelaire`s writings contributed to the elevation of Wagner and to the cult of Wagnerism that swept Europe in the following decades.

Plus d'informations sur la personne

(1821 - 1867) French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe

Year of Birth: 1821

Biography (AI generated)

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