Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Autograph

SKU: 8010698

Sale priceQAR 20.896,63


Autograph letter signed, one page, 8,75 x 10,25 inch, (Berlin), 2 March 1830, in German, to his publisher Adolph Martin Schlesinger* - on the publication of Mendelssohn`s Lieder Opp. 8 and 9, providing insight into the music publication process during this period, written and signed in black ink "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy", attractively mounted (removable) for fine display with a portrait picture of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (altogether 16,5 x 11,75 inch), with browning, intersecting letter folds, and mild signs of age wear - in fine condition. Provenance: Sotheby`s, 21 & 22 May 1987, lot 623.

"Ew. Wohlgeboren
haben mir auf mein gestriges Schreiben mündlich sagen lassen, Sie wünschen die 
Bedingungen, unter denen ich Ihnen meine Lieder verkauft habe, noch einmal zu 
wissen. Obwohl ich mich wundern muß, daß diese Ihnen entfallen sein sollten, 
wiederhole ich sie Ihnen doch hier, zur Vermeidung von Misverständnissen: 
10 Louis d'or und 6 Freiexemplare von den beiden Heften. 
   Ferner haben Sie mir heut früh geschrieben, es sey der Ordnung gemäß mir 
das verlangte Honorar erst nach dem Erscheinen des Werks zuzusenden. Von 
dieser Ordnung weiß ich nichts, und kann auch durchaus nichts der Art eingegangen 
sein, da es sonst in Ihrem Belieben stehn würde, die Herausgabe so lange als 
möglich zu verzögern. Eine der Bedingungen von Ihrer Seite war, das Manuscript 
binnen 3 Wochen öffentlich erscheinen zu lassen, und da gestern 4 Wochen seit 
Ablieferung des einen Liederhefts verflossen und noch nicht einmal eine \die/ Correcturen 
fertig sind, so kann ich nicht umhin, nochmals auf meinen gestrigen Brief 
zu verweisen, und Sie zu ersuchen das Honorar, das Sie der Ordnung gemäß 
mir bey Ablieferung des Manuscripts hätten geben sollen, gegen die Quittung 
die Ihnen der Überbringer nach der Bezahlung einhändigen wird, zu übersenden. 
Von der Rechnung bitte ich mir erst den üblichen Rabatt abzuziehen. 
   Mit Hochachtung ergebenst -
2/3 30. - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy"

"Your well-born
In response to my letter from yesterday, you told me verbally that you would like to know again the conditions under which I sold you my songs. Although I am surprised that these have slipped your mind, I'll repeat it to you here to avoid misunderstandings: 
10 Louis d'or and 6 free copies of the two issues. 
Furthermore, you wrote to me this morning that it would be in accordance with the rules if the requested fee were only sent to me after the work has been published. I don't know anything about this rule and it can't be that I went into something like that, since otherwise it would be at your discretion to keep the publication for as long as 
possible to delay. One of the conditions from your side was that the manuscript appears publicly within 3 weeks. Since 4 weeks passed yesterday from the delivery of a songbook and not even corrections have been completed, I can't help but refer again to my letter from yesterday and ask you to send me the fee. In accordance with the regulations you should have given it when the manuscript was delivered - the deliverer will give you the receipt after payment.
Please first deduct the usual discount from your invoice. With respect, yours truly - 
2/3 30. - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy"

* Schlesinger published only one other of Mendelssohn`s works, his first symphony in C minor. Several of the songs in Opp. 8 and 9 are by Fanny Mendelssohn.

Further Information on the person

(1809-1847) German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period - Mendelssohn's compositions include symphonies, concertos, piano music and chamber music

Year of Birth: 1809

Biography (AI generated)

Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, better known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, and conductor born on February 3, 1809, in Hamburg, Germany. He was born into a prominent Jewish family, but was baptized as a Reformed Christian at a young age.

Mendelssohn showed exceptional musical talent from a very young age and began composing music as early as ten years old. He was a child prodigy, often compared to Mozart in his abilities. By the age of 17, he had already composed several symphonies and chamber music pieces.

Throughout his life, Mendelssohn was a prolific composer, creating works in a variety of genres including symphonies, concertos, operas, and piano music. He is best known for his compositions such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "The Hebrides Overture," and his Violin Concerto in E minor.

Mendelssohn was also a highly acclaimed pianist and conductor, leading performances of both his own works and those of other composers. He helped revive the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, conducting and popularizing performances of Bach's St. Matthew Passion.

Despite his success during his lifetime, Mendelssohn's music fell out of favor after his death in 1847. However, his works experienced a revival in the 20th century and are now regarded as some of the finest examples of Romantic music.

Felix Mendelssohn's legacy as a composer, pianist, and conductor continues to inspire musicians and audiences around the world to this day. His contributions to classical music have solidified his place as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era.

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