Leger, Alexis `Saint-John Perse`




Autograph letter signed, one page, 8,25 x 11 inch, Washington, 26.11.1952, in French, to a publisher ("Mon cher Fessy") who is working on the publication of one of his works, written and signed in blue ink "Alexis Leger", with a central horizontal letter fold and scattered very mild creases to the edges - in fine to very fine condition.

"Mon cher Fessy
   Votre scrupule était justifié et je vous en sais gré. Vous pourrez en juger par le petit memorandum de correction finale que je joins aux épreuves renvoyées.
   Merci encore de tout ce dont vous avez pris là souci et soin pour moi, et croyez - m`en reconnaissant. Tachez maintenant, si c`est possible, de rattraper un peu de temps pour la sortie du livre.
   J`aimerais en savoir plus de vous pour vous exprimer mes voeux de fin d`année. J`aimerais surtout pouvoir le faire de vive voix.
Bien cordialement - Alexis Leger"


"My dear Fessy
   Your scruples were justified, and I am grateful for that. You can see this in the small final report that I am attaching to the tests that are returned.
   Thank you again for everything you have done for me there, and believe me to be grateful to you for it. Now, if possible, try to make up some time for the book to be published.
   I would like to know more about you, in order to offer you my best wishes for the end of the year. I would especially like to do that personally.
Kind regards - Alexis Leger"


(1887-1975) French poet-diplomat, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1960 "for the soaring flight and evocative imagery of his poetry." He was a major French diplomat from 1914 to 1940, after which he lived primarily in the United States until 1967.

Year of Birth: 1887

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