George Sand Autograph

SKU: 8006518

Sale priceDhs. 5,382.62


Autograph letter signed, three pages (on two conjoined sheets - header embossed with his initials `GS`), 5,25 x 8 inch, Nohant, 4.07.1848, in French, interesting letter to the Minister of Justice Eugène Bethmont (1804-1860) - Sand writes a recommendation for a fellow* writer and about her socialist opinion, written and signed in dark ink "George Sand", with horizontal letter folds, and scattered very mild signs of wear - in fine to very fine condition. 

In parts:
"[...] Au milieu des malheurs du pays, chacun reçoit une atteinte particulière, et un de mes amis vient d’être fatalement victime d’une méprise funeste. Vous avez peut-être entendu parler du vieux poète Magu, Tisserand à Lisy, une de nos Modestes et inoffensives gloires populaires. Il a eu quatorze enfans , une de ses filles, charmante et excellente enfant, a épousé un ouvrier serrurier nommé Gilland que j’aime comme un frère et que vous aimeriez de même si vous le connaissiez. Il n’est point d’âme plus pure, plus noble, plus religieuse, plus délicate. Il est poète aussi et ses écrits simples et touchans ont souvent versé la consolation et la résignation dans des âmes blessées et irritées. Candidat dans le département de Seine-et- Marne, il a eu, je crois, 18000 voix. Repoussé par un parti plus influent, il est revenu manier sa lime, travailler humblement et courageusement (car c’est un excellent ouvrier) au Faubourg Saint-Antoine... Le 26 Juin, À 4 heures du matin, ne voulant pas prendre parti pour les insurgés, et craignant pour sa famille, il a quitté Paris avec 14 ff. C’était toute sa fortune [...] J’ai voulu joindre ma prière à celle que les amis de Gilland vous ont déjà adressée. Je ne sais si ma recommandation aura quelque valeur auprès de vous, mais elle ne doit pas vous être suspecte, car mes opinions socialistes ne sont pas celles de l’Atelier et Gilland est rédacteur de L’Atelier. Il faut donc que malgré une manière de voir différente, son caractère soit éminemment sympathique et conciliant. Au reste, c’est une justice que je me plairais à rendre à tous les ouvriers de l`Atelier que j`ai rencontrés, pour le caractère et sont des hommes d`élite, et on ne pourra jamais les soupconner de tramer des conspirations. Ce serait une tache à l`honneur des meilleurs et des plus purs prolétaires que l`outrage d`une instruction contre Gilland [...]"

"In the midst of the misfortunes of the country, each receives a particular blow, and one of my friends has just been fatally victim of a disastrous mistake. You may have heard of the old poet Magu, Tisserand à Lisy [Lizy-sur-Ourcq], one of our modest and inoffensive popular glories. He had fourteen children, one of his daughters, a charming and excellent child, married a locksmith named Gilland whom I love like a brother and whom you would love the same if you knew him. There is no purer, nobler, more religious, more delicate soul. He is also a poet and his simple and touching writings have often poured consolation and resignation into wounded and irritated souls. Candidate in the department of Seine-et-Marne, he had, I believe, 18,000 votes. Repulsed by a more influential party, he returned to handle his file, to work humbly and courageously (because he is an excellent worker) at the Faubourg Saint-Antoine [...] June 26, At 4 a.m., not wanting to take sides for the insurgents, and fearing for his family, he left Paris with 14 ff. It was his entire fortune. [... She then mentions the recommendation of the wife of Agricol Perdiguier, the carpenter, writer and politician.] I wanted to join my prayer to that which the friends of Gilland have already sent to you addressed. I don't know if my recommendation will have any value for you, but you shouldn't suspect it, as my socialist opinions are not those of the workshop and Gilland is the editor of L'Atelier [the organ of utopian social Catholicism of Dr. Philippe Buchez, who advocated non-violence, respect for religion and love of work]. It is therefore necessary that, despite a different way of seeing things, his character must be eminently sympathetic and conciliatory. Besides, it is a justice that I would like to render to all the workers of the Workshop that I met, for the character and are elite men, and one can never suspect them of hatching conspiracies. It would be a stain to the honor of the best and purest proletarians to insult an instruction against Gilland..."

* Jerome-Pierre Gilland, son-in-law of Marie-Eléonore Magu, had been imprisoned in Meaux then in Paris: he had taken sides with the insurgents in the days of June 1848, but had been wrongly arrested as a leader. He would be elected deputy on the list of La Fayette in 1849. In 1845, George Sand prefaced a collection of short stories by Gilland `Les Conteurs Ouvriers`.

Further Information on the person

(1804-1875) original name: Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin, best known by her nom de plume George Sand - French novelist, memoirist, and socialist.

Year of Birth: 1804

Biography (AI generated)

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