In parts (translation - in telegraphic style, without punctuation or connecting words):
"Fiduciary Finance Minister following conversations yesterday Milan has reported that managers Credito Italiano Banca Nazionale Credito and group already participating Banco Roma whose spokesperson is Honorable Benni have demonstrated awareness urgent necessity restructuring aforesaid bank stop This should happen without any direct State disbursement and with old shareholders` loss which alone can justifiy Instituto Liquidazioni to which old loss items would be transferred with renunciation some convential rights within known limits stop Because negotations do not permit further delays and prevarications fiduciary will be Milan again tomorrow to conclude along lines generally proposed stop If accord is not reached Government in conformity public statements will abandon all initiatives and cut short all interventions various firms* except assessing potential liability stop You may permit interested parties read this telegram."
* The word translated as `firms` (aziende) may also refer to government agencies, and it is unclear which is meant here.
This fascinating telegram reveals Mussolini`s attitude towards the Italian banking crisis of the 1920`s. In a course of events remarkably similar to that which took place in the United States in the late 2000s, Italian banks had engaged in various irresponsible banking practices. This malfeasance, combined with sluggish state of the Italian economy in the immediate aftermath of WW I, had necessitated State intervention to stabilize financial institutions that were deemed `too big to fail`.
مزيد من المعلومات حول الشخص
(1883-1945) Duce of Fascism
سنة الميلاد: 1883
شهادة الأصالة
تباع جميع القطع لدينا مع شهادة الأصالة. إذا تبين أن قطعة كانت خاطئة أو إذا كنت لا تحب توقيعه ، فستستعيد أموالك لمدى الحياة.
الدفع والأمن
تتم معالجة معلومات الدفع الخاصة بك بشكل آمن. لا نقوم بتخزين تفاصيل بطاقة الائتمان ولا يمكننا الوصول إلى معلومات بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بك.